Fallout 76

Fallout 76: Steel Reign isn’t much to shout about by itself, but it offers a good overview of just how far the game has come since its disastrous launch.

-- As reviewed by Tom's Guide
Fallout 76 1

Product details

  • You will Emerge! Multiplayer finally comes to the epic open world RPGs of Bethesda Game Studios. Create your character with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system and forge your own path in a new and untamed wasteland with hundreds of locations. Whether you journey alone or with friends, a new and unique Fallout adventure awaits
  • Mountain Splendorland! All-new graphics, lighting and landscape technology brings to life six distinct West Virginia regions. From the forests of Appalachia to the noxious crimson expanses of the Cranberry Bog, each region offers its own risks and rewards. Post-nuclear America has never looked so beautiful
  • A New American Dream! Use the all-new Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) to build and craft anywhere in the world. Your C.A.M.P. will provide much-needed shelter, supplies, and safety. You can even set up shop to trade goods with other survivors. But beware, not everyone will be quite so neighborly
  • The Power of the Atom! Go it alone or with fellow survivors to unlock access to the ultimate weapon - Nuclear Missiles. This destruction also creates a high-level zone with rare and valuable resources. Do you protect or unleash the power of the atom? The choice is yours


+ The Wasteland is a fascinating place to spend time
+ Camp crafting is brilliant


- Story is a bit weak
- Quests are formulaic
- Not very challenging

Expert reviews and ratings

By Tom's Guide on July 20, 2022
Fallout 76: Steel Reign isn’t much to shout about by itself, but it offers a good overview of just how far the game has come since its disastrous launch.
By Tom's Guide on November 30, 2018
The first Fallout title to add multiplayer, Fallout 76 is a novel experiment with mixed results.
By PCWorld on November 21, 2018
Fallout 76 looks and feels like a Fallout game, but its dead world, boring quests, and constant stream of performance issues make this multiplayer outing radioactive.
By IGN on November 22, 2018
In an effort to do everything, Fallout 76 fails to do any of it well enough to form an identity. Its multiplayer mindset robs its quests of all the moral decisionmaking that makes the series great, and all that’s left is a buggy mess of systemic designs that never seems to work together and regularly contradicts itself. It all culminates in an aggravating endgame that’s more busywork than satisfying heroics. Bethesda missed the mark with Fallout 76, in part because it seems like it could never decide what it was aiming for.