Code Vein

Code Vein fails to come to life as a true Soulslike experience, held back by a colorless environment and lazy storytelling.

-- As reviewed by Tom's Guide
Code Vein 1

Product details

  • In the not too distant future, a mysterious disaster has brought collapse to the world as we know it. Towering skyscrapers, once symbols of prosperity, are now lifeless graves of humanity’s past pierced by the Thorns of Judgment. Team up and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to unlock your past and escape your living nightmare in CODE VEIN.
  • At the center of the destruction lies a hidden society of Revenants called Vein. This final stronghold is where the remaining few fight to survive, blessed with Gifts of power in exchange for their memories and a thirst for blood.
  • Create your own character and choose your partner as you venture out into a world of destruction, overrun by the Lost. Use your combined strength to coordinate your approach and defend each other from surprise attacks or overpowered enemies using your Blood Veil and various weapons.
  • Choose from a myriad of weapons such as bayonets, axes and spears, to accommodate your favorite battle style. Apply strategy in your attacks through partnered coordination and Blood Veil enhancements, ready to bring down the most threatening enemies.
  • Change the feel of the game depending on which partner you choose, each with their own combat style and background story.


+ Impressive build diversity
+ Dark Souls-like difficulty
+ Solid finale


- Uninspired world
- Poorly conceived NPCs
- Lazy side content
- Abysmal storytelling

Expert reviews and ratings

By Tom's Guide on September 26, 2019
Code Vein fails to come to life as a true Soulslike experience, held back by a colorless environment and lazy storytelling.
By TrustedReviews on September 26, 2019
A ruined, post-apocalyptic anime future could have made for a fantastic game, but it falters at every genre it attempts to ape. Code Vein is clearly attempting to spin a lot of plates. But unless you’re into playing a great character creator with a bad Dark Souls clone attached to it, we’d say steer clear.
By TechAdvisor on May 08, 2019
Code Vein brings Dark Souls combat and mechanics to a Japanese-style RPG. With a more accessible story and familiar themes, an extremely expansive character creator and a wide array of weapons and builds to try, Code Vein is shaping up to be a very impressive title.
By IGN on September 26, 2019
Despite building itself on well-tread ground, Code Vein definitely moves to the beat of its own drummer, but that beat can lose its rhythm when you need it to be steady. Some changes like being able to easily switch around and experiment with classes on the fly are great, while others like its inconsistent AI partner could be more trouble than they were worth at times. But in both the good and the bad, I appreciated its enthusiasm for mixing things up and getting a little weird. If you’re looking for a unique take on a familiar type of challenge, and are open to loving and hating a game for its many mechanical quirks in the same breath, Code Vein is worth sinking your teeth into.