Top Xbox 360 Games 2023
Explore a world of gaming excitement with ProdSeeker's top-rated Xbox 360 games. Our curated selection offers thrilling adventures, immersive storytelling, and intense multiplayer experiences. From action-packed shooters to captivating RPGs, find the perfect games to elevate your gaming sessions. ProdSeeker: Dive into a universe of gaming excellence.

Undead Nightmare is what downloadable content should be -- a lot of bang for your buck. There's a whole lot of new here: a 6+ hour single-player campaign, two multiplayer modes, two outfits, side missions, weapons, mounts, etc. It's clear that Rockstar didn't skimp on this package, and priced at a cool $10 or 800 Microsoft points, neither should you. There's a lot of fun to be had in this light-hearted version of the West, so if you're craving a well-polished zombie-filled package of fun, here it is.
-- As reviewed by IGN

There is art here, despite what many would say isn't possible with games, from Roger Ebert to game designers like Hideo Kojima. But it's in BioShock--it's in the gorgeously realized, watery halls of Rapture. It's in a Little Sister's expression of thanks when you choose to save her, or the utter silence if you harvest instead. It's in the way the characters develop, in the testimonials of the recording boxes you pick up along the way. It's in the way the narrative is structured, and the way it blends so seamlessly with the action. Irrational had a clear vision with this game, something pulled off with remarkable precision in every department. They didn't just deliver something that's fun to play, a criterion so often cited as the benchmark of what makes a game worthwhile. BioShock stands as a monolithic example of the convergence of entertaining gameplay and an irresistibly sinister, engrossing storyline that encompasses a host of multifaceted characters. This is an essential gaming experience.
-- As reviewed by IGN

The campaign, which is very good, is Halo 3's weakest point. It doesn't capture the cavalier spirit of the original Halo, but you'll still have fun playing through it. There's no first-person shooter on 360 that can equal Halo 3's blend of cinematic action, adrenaline-pumping shootouts, and male- (and female)-bonding gameplay. Look beyond the gameplay and you have a rich feature set unlike anything ever delivered in a videogame. The Forge and the replay functionality raise the bar for console shooters so high, it may never be surpassed this generation. There will be plenty of aspects for fans to nitpick, but it's hard to argue against Halo 3 as the most complete game available on any console.
-- As reviewed by IGN

Madden NFL 13 does something the Madden franchise hasn't done in years: it makes me want to keep playing. Yes, the commentators will repeat themselves and funky animations are going to pop up, but the game as a whole is so good. The TV presentation, the refined gameplay, the more lifelike physics -- it all adds up to Madden NFL 13 being something truly special.
-- As reviewed by IGN

This strong conclusion to BioWare's acclaimed sci-fi RPG trilogy will be best appreciated by fans who have followed it from the beginning, but newcomers don't need to worry about being lost or left behind along the way.
-- As reviewed by PCMag

Whether or not Left 4 Dead 2 is for you really depends on your level of exposure and affinity for the style of hardcore team-focused gameplay Valve is offering here. If you’re still interested in the gameplay, then you’re going to enjoy every aspect of the sequel since it’s improved in all areas, from available game modes to strength of character and personality to replayability and its visual style. After playing, you’ll find it impossible to go back to the first game. Though plenty of other games offer co-operative gameplay against mobs of computer-controlled foes, no other game emphasizes teamwork as strongly as this, and few other games are as satisfying when you’re able to pull through successfully, particularly when competing in Versus mode against four human-controlled boss zombies. If you saw the original and were always curious to try it out, then by all means get the sequel. It is, without a doubt, the better game. Yet despite all the advancements and additions, it’s still very familiar, and something meant to appeal to those who are already sold on the concept. If you’re someone never cared for the game, Left 4 Dead 2 isn’t going to change your mind. Even so, it remains one of the most distinctive co-operative titles out there, and allows for some of the most nerve-searing team-based multiplayer gaming on the market.
-- As reviewed by IGN

This is the World War II shooter to end all World War II shooters.
-- As reviewed by TrustedReviews

Long-time Devil May Cry fans unsure of Ninja Theory's treatment can abandon their fears. DmC hurls Dante into a newer, better world, complete with a glorious combat system and enough style to make old Dante proud.
This is digital action at its finest, steeped in the blood of angels, spiced with gunpowder, and garnished with a middle finger.
-- As reviewed by IGN

It's going to be a familiar experience for anyone that played the original, but BioShock 2's improvements to gameplay and its more focused storyline make for a game that's more playable and easier to digest. Some of the sense of awe and mystery is lost in transition, but the strength of the setting and more interesting implementation of moral choice make for an experience that's more consistent and rewarding. Anyone looking for a first-person shooter that offers more than flat, stereotypical characters and copy-and-paste supersoldier plots, one that attempts to establish a sense of right and wrong and loops you into the decision making process, and one that's set in one of the most vividly realized settings around should pick up BioShock 2. It's a game in which story, setting, and gameplay are expertly blended to create an experience that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.
-- As reviewed by IGN

Be still my beating heart.
-- As reviewed by TrustedReviews