Trackmania Turbo

A brilliant and beautiful stunt driving masterclass, Trackmania Turbo is fast, frenetic, fun, and only occasionally frustrating. If this generously proportioned and highly engaging arcade racer gets its talons into you the way it did me, it’ll have you compulsively chasing ghosts for ages.

-- As reviewed by IGN
Trackmania Turbo 1

Product details

  • 4 Environments, 4 Kinds of Gameplay - Lagoon rollercoaster, International stadium, Dirty valley, Canyon drift
  • Campaign Mode - Test your skills, win medals, unlock up to 200 unique tracks in over 5 difficulty levels, and progress in worldwide rankings
  • Double Driver - Experience a fun and innovative twist on multiplayer! Team up with a friend and coordinate to control the speed and direction of the same car
  • Track Builder - Play, design, or easily generate crazy tracks that can be shared to challenge other players in the community


+ Addictive time trial gameplay
+ Packed with modes and tracks
+ Smooth online play
+ Fun Double Driver mode


- Can be unforgiving and frustrating
- Doesn’t do enough that's substantially new

Expert reviews and ratings

By IGN on March 24, 2016
A brilliant and beautiful stunt driving masterclass, Trackmania Turbo is fast, frenetic, fun, and only occasionally frustrating. If this generously proportioned and highly engaging arcade racer gets its talons into you the way it did me, it’ll have you compulsively chasing ghosts for ages.
By TrustedReviews on March 21, 2016
Nearly every activity here boils down to one thing: car versus track in the quest for the fastest time. Even racing online or in multiplayer, where you might be competing with a hundred players on the same track at the same time, there’s no sense that you’re chasing them around the next corner or racing them to the finish line, but just one of many drivers endeavouring to shave a few more seconds or fractions of a second off your time. You all have the same car and all face the same bends and hazards. All that matters is how skilled and daring you can be.