The WD Blue 3D NAND might best represent the last hoorah of the SATA SSD before NVMetechnology kicks that interface into the long grass. It’s a big improvement over its predecessor and gives Corsair and Samsung’s mid-range products a run for their money. Excellent overall performance coupled with competitive pricing makes for a winning combination, or it does for that still want, or need SATA.

-- As reviewed by TechAdvisor
WD Blue 3D NAND 1

Product details

  • An industry leading 1.75M hours mean time to failure (MTTF) (1) and up to 600 terabytes written (TBW) (2) for enhanced reliability. | (1) MTTF = Mean Time To Failure based on internal testing using Telcordia stress part testing. (2) TBW (terabytes written) values calculated using JEDEC client workload (JESD219) and vary by product capacity.Specific uses: Business, personal
  • WD F.I.T. Lab certification for compatibility with a wide range of computers.
  • Free downloadable software to monitor the status of your drive and clone a drive, or backup your data
  • An active power draw up to 25% lower than previous generations of WD Blue SSD.



Expert reviews and ratings

By TechAdvisor on March 09, 2018
The WD Blue 3D NAND might best represent the last hoorah of the SATA SSD before NVMetechnology kicks that interface into the long grass. It’s a big improvement over its predecessor and gives Corsair and Samsung’s mid-range products a run for their money. Excellent overall performance coupled with competitive pricing makes for a winning combination, or it does for that still want, or need SATA.