Pirates of the Burning Sea

MMOs are now at the point where it’s no longer enough to do the same old stuff with slicker presentation and a few new twists. World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online now do the epic fantasy stuff so well that it’s very hard for any game without a big license behind it to compete. City of Heroes and EVE still maintain loyal audiences, and Guild Wars does a great job for those who want an MMO-like experience but don’t want the commitment or the monthly fees. These days an MMO needs a new angle, like Tabula Rasa with its sci-fi setting and it’s real-time FPS combat. Arguably, Pirates of the Burning Sea (PotBS to save my aching fingers) goes even further. Not only is its historical pirate theme new wind for the sails of the tired MMO veteran, but it plays unlike any other MMO on the market.

-- As reviewed by TrustedReviews
Pirates of the Burning Sea 1

Product details

  • This PC game requires a monthly fee, and an internet connection to play
  • Game Genre: MMORPG/RPG/Strategy
  • Choose Pirate, English, French or Spanish and Traverse a world of more than 100 PvP conquerable ports in the Caribbean.
  • Virtual buccaneers can engage in fierce ship-to-ship combat in real time, sending foes to the bottom of the briny deep or leaving them helpless and ripe for looting.
  • Choose from traditional Fencing, the dual-wielding showmanship known as Florentine, or the treachery of Dirty Fighting in savage Swashbuckling



Expert reviews and ratings

By TrustedReviews on January 27, 2008
MMOs are now at the point where it’s no longer enough to do the same old stuff with slicker presentation and a few new twists. World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online now do the epic fantasy stuff so well that it’s very hard for any game without a big license behind it to compete. City of Heroes and EVE still maintain loyal audiences, and Guild Wars does a great job for those who want an MMO-like experience but don’t want the commitment or the monthly fees. These days an MMO needs a new angle, like Tabula Rasa with its sci-fi setting and it’s real-time FPS combat. Arguably, Pirates of the Burning Sea (PotBS to save my aching fingers) goes even further. Not only is its historical pirate theme new wind for the sails of the tired MMO veteran, but it plays unlike any other MMO on the market.