The World Ends With You

”’Platform: Nintendo DS”’

-- As reviewed by TrustedReviews
The World Ends With You 1

Product details

  • Delve into a vividly illustrated Shibuya, animated with style, music and monsters
  • Collect and wield hundreds of Psych abilities to battle surreal threats
  • Investigate the world around you and beat the "Reapers' Game" to survive



Expert reviews and ratings

By TrustedReviews on April 15, 2008
”’Platform: Nintendo DS”’
By IGN on April 16, 2008
Few games make it into the “amazing” category in our opinion, but with a game that sets as many standards, breaks down as many walls, stomps as many preconceptions, and offers as much depth and versatility as The World Ends With You, we simply can’t consider it anything but exactly that. Square Enix and Jupiter took a chance on this one, as it would have been just as easy to release another Final Fantasy, Mana, or Dragon Quest game in its place, but instead the company went for a long shot in creating something truly unique and imaginative, and the result is not only one of the best DS games out there, but also one of the top RPG’s we’ve played in years.