CEL Robox

The CEL Robox 3D printer is capable of printing beautiful, high-resolution objects, but also produced more than its share of misprints and flawed output in our tests.

-- As reviewed by PCMag
CEL Robox 1

Product details

  • Headlock System: Allows quick change of print head; automatic head recognition; auto-leveling system; future upgrade compatible interface
  • Quick Fill Dual Nozzle Technology: Detailed perimeter nozzle (0.3mm); Fast infill nozzle (0.8mm); Needle-valve flow control
  • Smart Reel System: Automatic material recognition; Rewriteable EEPROM stores material data; wide range of materials and colors available
  • Smart Extruder System: Supports single or dual extruders; Fully automatic material loading/unloading; Closed Feedback error detection
  • Automaker Software: East to use interface; real-time printing status; supports pause and resume printing; support for multiple printers/projects


+ High-resolution output.
+ Capable of beautiful, detailed prints.
+ Two extruders.
+ Easy to load and eject filament.
+ Can print with specialty material.


- Can't print tall objects.
- Uneven performance, with misprints.
- Filament is relatively expensive.

Expert reviews and ratings

By PCMag on June 12, 2015
The CEL Robox 3D printer is capable of printing beautiful, high-resolution objects, but also produced more than its share of misprints and flawed output in our tests.